Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meet the Teacher :)

  Tomorrow morning I will be welcoming in my students and their families for Meet the Teacher. It is almost like Christmas Eve because there is an excitement or buzz in the air! I am so elated to see their faces and meet them for the very first time I just might not be able to sleep. Nights like tonight remind me of the joy I feel for being able to teach. It is my passion. I feel blessed. I know I am so very lucky to have a career in which I am able to do what I love for a living.

I thought about how everyone experiences the butterflies in their stomach when they meet for the very first time. So I want to share a bit about me on here. You see, I created this blog to have multiple purposes. One, get connected to other amazing teachers and sneak a peek at their creative ideas. Two, be able to put out my own "freebies" and ideas for others to use. Three, and most importantly, show my student's parents and families what happening in our room. I will be adding updates on school events, highlighting amazing work, and communicating important information.

                                   Meet the Teacher- Blog Edition- Miss Lindsey Roseboom

This is my second year in first grade and at my school! I previously taught 2nd grade at a school in Daytona Beach.  I love teaching first grade because the students grow so much during this year. Being a part of such a momentous year is a heartfelt experience. I couldn't imagine it being any other way.

 I believe learning should be full of movement, talking and communicating, and hands-on experiences. Because of these beliefs I will be using Whole Brain Teaching, Kagan's "Think, Pair, Share", and Daily 5 to teach the Common Core. I enjoy doing professional development to further my knowledge on student learning and achievement. In the near future, I will be going back to school for my Master's in Applied Learning and Instruction. Don't worry, I will not be leaving the classroom! I can't imagine not being a teacher and look forward to many, many years of teaching.

I live in Daytona Beach and spend most of my free time going to the beach, surfing, and being outdoors. I am engaged to my fiancé Ben, who is currently studying to be a nurse. We have two cats, Ralph and Meme. My favorite colors are aquamarine and gray. I am learning how to sew and create my own educational games and such on Microsoft Publisher.

Ben and I!
I look forward to sharing an amazing year with my students and their families. First grade is a fantastic place to be!


  1. If you want some help with the sewing let me know, I am self taught.

  2. I will need your help! There is so much to learn it is quite overwhelming. :)


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